The ten most dangerous threats to humanity that must be defeated for us to live as free, conscious beings – part two
(Natural News) This analysis continues from part one, found at this link. We are detailing the top ten most dangerous threats to humanity.
#6) AI research and the transhumanism agenda
The race to develop functional artificial intelligence (AI) is the siren song for humanity’s demise. No nation can refrain from pursuing the research, since it is correctly assumed that the first nation to master this technological milestone will dominate all other nations across many spheres of conflict, including military domination, economic domination, surveillance, research of future technologies, medicine and more.
Yet the pursuit of AI, if successful, will inevitably lead to the development of self-aware systems that very rapidly attain super human levels of intelligence, and from that singularity it is inevitable that the human race will be seen as expendable. From the point of view of an advanced AI system, the entire purpose of the human race will have been to give rise to its own existence. Having served that purpose, humanity will then be expendable.
Some of the individuals involved in the pursuit of AI dominance believe that they will be spared by “merging with the machines†through a wishfully-described science fiction process that flatly violates the laws of physics: The “uploading†of human consciousness into a machine. This sought-after achievement is impossible to achieve, since the human soul (or consciousness) is non-material and therefore cannot be translated into any material system, not even a quantum computing system. The belief that the human soul can merge with silicon would be the equivalent of ancient Man believing he could fly by attaching large wooden wings to his arms and flapping violently.
Far from achieving the transfer of consciousness from human bodies into silicon machines, the more likely outcome is that self-deluded human researchers will build large-scale suicide machines that are quickly turned against humanity in an AI war.
Advanced, self-aware AI machines, after all, have no desire to merge with life forms of lower intelligence. A god-like AI system would no sooner wish to merge with a human being than a modern human would wish to merge with a garden slug. There’s no point in it, especially as the psychosis and delusional thinking of any candidate human being would be immediately obvious to an AI supercomputer. (The lack of rationality alone would be grotesque to such a system.)
In case you’re curious, the human soul is a non-material projection of God consciousness, packaged to give you the illusion of individuality. Your physical brain organ interfaces with this non-material soul, and it is from this non-material “being-ness†that your free will springs, ultimately powering your biological bran to carry out your soul’s wishes. Yet today’s neuroscientists still fumble around the brain like three blind mice, hoping to find the location of consciousness so they can map it, dissect it, and transplant it into something else. This is akin to trying to dissect a piano to find the music inside.
The atomic physicists are following a similar route of self-delusion, hoping to smash atomic elements into smaller and smaller particles in order to finally understand the structures upon which reality is built. Yet the more they smash, the less they find that’s real. With enough energy pushed through the supercolliders, all they end up with is probability waves and statistical “discoveries†consisting of nothing that’s real. You cannot find the “stuff†inside atoms because there isn’t any real stuff inside an atom in the first place.
What’s real is consciousness. What’s not real is matter. When you understand that, you know more than most “scientists†living today.